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Wool interiors

Luxe wool carpets which purify the air

We all want our home to be as safe and as clean as can be – we scrub the bath, wipe the benches, wash our sheets. But what about the dirt you can’t see? What if the answer was a simple as choosing the right type of carpet.

Wool carpets have been scientifically proven to clean the indoor air. That’s right – simply by choosing wool for your carpet you can improve the indoor air quality, helping keep your home, office (or home office) healthy and comfortable all year round.

Research by AgResearch scientists has revealed wool carpets significantly improve indoor air quality by rapidly absorbing the common pollutants formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, known as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. VOCs can be released from many common household items such as cleaners and disinfectants, air fresheners, printers and even home furnishings.

Not only does wool neutralise these contaminants more quickly and completely than synthetic carpet fibres, wool does not re-emit them, even when heated.

Wool carpet may in fact continue to purify the air for up to 30 years, helping prevent what is known as Sick Building Syndrome.

100% natural, renewable and biodegradable, wool’s inherent eco-credentials make it a conscious choice for those looking to furnish their home. Beyond rugs and upholstery, wool plays an increasingly large role in home design, with research, manufacturing developments and design innovation leading to its use in pieces as far ranging as curtains, bedding, lighting, artworks and decorative objects. With its luxurious finish, easy-to-care-for nature and health properties, wool is the natural choice for any interior.

Look for Woolmark-approved carpets and other home furnishings when choosing the right wool carpet for your home.


Wool is a resilient home hero

The materials used in your home need to be highly resilient, enough to withstand daily family use, visitors and spills. Wool fibres have their own natural protective layer that makes them both stain and odour resistant. Plus, it generates significantly less static than other fibres so attracts less dust and dirt.

Product innovations now means many wool fabrics are also machine washable. So, many woollen throw rugs or cushion covers don't need to be hand washed saving a lot of time and effort. Homewares such as wool blankets can even be aired outside for a quick refresh.


Wool is fire resistant

Unlike synthetic fibres, wool is naturally fire resistant - making it an obvious choice for the use in public spaces such as airports, airplanes, hospitals and hotels - but also for your home.

A trusted fibre, wool’s inherent chemical structure makes wool naturally flame resistant.  Wool is harder to ignite than many common textile fibres. Whilst cotton catches alight at 255°C, the temperature must reach 570-600°C before wool will ignite; while polyester melts at 252-292°C and nylon succumbs at an even lower 160-260°C, wool never melts so it can’t stick to the skin like many common synthetics do.